Docker My dockerhub
Docker proxies (Load balancer)
rexray - REX-Ray is a container storage orchestration engine enabling persistence for cloud native workloads
Web GUI management
Rancher - Complete container management platform
portainer - Simple management UI for Docker
dockerrootplease - Gives you root on the hostOS, if you’re a member of the ‘docker’ group.
Snippets See docker containers disk usage
Add debian backports from Dockerfile 1 RUN printf "deb jessie-backports main non-free\ndeb-src jessie-backports main non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
Synchronize container date as the host date Just mount two volumes for the /etc/timezone
and /etc/localtime
1 2 3 volumes: - '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro' - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
Debugging inside container Add those lines to your docker-compose.yml
1 2 3 app: tty: true stdin_open: true
The you can enter to session running docker attach project_app_1
Inspect stopped image contents 1 2 docker commit CONTAINER NEWIMAGENAME docker run -ti --entrypoint /bin/bash NEWIMAGENAME
watchtower - Automatically update running Docker containers
docker-autoheal - Monitor and restart unhealthy docker containers.
Docker swarm
Convert build args to environment variables 1 2 ARG buildtime_variable=default_valueENV env_var_name=$buildtime_variable
docker-compose Override some container environment vars Just create docker-compose.override.yml
and set container overrides like this example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 version: "2" services: editor: environment: - NODE_ENV=dev
Building image without cache 1 docker-compose build --no-cache service1
Using echo to put contents to file in Dockerfile Sometimes using RUN echo
in your Dockerfile you get an error. To solve just run the echo this way:
1 RUN bash -c 'echo " IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config' && \
Using default values overrideable by environment vars 1 ${VARIABLE:-default} will evaluate to default if VARIABLE is unset or empty in the environment.
Example :
1 2 ports: - "${PORT-8080}:80"
Links :
Docker with cronjob